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Selectboard Minutes May 11, 2009

Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
May 11, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Joe O’Brien and Alan Sentkowski.

FY09 Warrant #23
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer & Accountant.

April 27, 2009 Regular Meeting – Alan moved to accept the minutes. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Motions for May 12, 2009 Annual Town Meeting
The Board reviewed the motions for each article and made final changes.

Outstanding Citizen Award – Anne Littlefield
The Board made a decision to award Anne Littlefield as Princeton’s Outstanding Citizen of the Year. Anne has served on the Board of Selectmen for ten years, on the Personnel Committee for six years and has enthusiastically agreed to help in many capacities over the years.  Dennis suggested her as a nominee in January, noting her willingness to assist in various projects. The announcement will be made at the ATM. Anne will receive a framed certificate signed by the Board and her name will be added to the plaque in the Town Hall. The Board would like to see the public more involved in the nomination process.

Ambulance Service Zone Plan
Fire Chief Ray LaPorte was present for the discussion. The state is requesting the Board formalize what they are willing to provide for service. Thirty-four communities have completed the Plan. Once the agreement is accepted, it will be signed by the Board and sent to the state. There is no cost or risk to the town to participate and if changes need to be made it can be done at any time with an amendment. It should be done within two months. Ray will make arrangements to complete the process

Barrier near Old Colony Road – Car Bridge
Ray LaPorte would like to see the barrier removed and open to Police and Fire vehicles. There is water that could be used by the Fire Department.  Neighbors are concerned about opening it to foot traffic. There were issues in the past with people partying.  The Board will put this on a future agenda when a Town Administrator is hired and invite all stakeholders, including the Parks & Rec Committee.

Sign Requests
Prince of Peace Church
Joe moved to approve the placement of temporary signs for the Prince of Peace Church for the Annual Holiday Fair.  Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Team Princeton ACS
Joe moved to approve the temporary sign request of Team Princeton ACS. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

FY08 Ice Storm
Joe has three additional worksheets to be approved by FEMA. The next step is to remove the tree leaners, hangers and debris. Early June is the goal for the final clean up. Joe noted a newspaper article stating the towns may not get the 25% reimbursement from the state and said he will continue to pursue the reimbursement. If this is not funded, it will be devastating to the towns in the region and have more of an impact that the cuts in local aid.

Cemetery Deed
Alan moved to approve a cemetery deed in consideration of $300.00 to Donald Steadman, 79 Wheeler Road, for two cremation lots in West Cemetery known as Lot 140, spaces a & b. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Appointment – Agricultural Commission
Alan move to appoint Walter J. Gowey, of 154 Ball Hill Road as a member of the Agricultural Commission with a term to expire on June 30, 2012. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Future Agenda Items
An executive session will be scheduled on May 26 for the Fire Chief’s contract negotiation.  

The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary